Phone: +49 (0)30 – 81828260
E-mail: wiese@bkp-kanzlei.de
- Copyright, theater and media law
- Youth media protection law
German, English, Spanish
GRUR, ALAI Germany, IT Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
Heiko Wiese counsels authors, performing artists, companies, and associations on issues pertaining to copyright, theater and media law.
His activities include advising and representing theater employees in all matters of labor law, social security law, and copyright law.
He is also a sought after advisor for film productions regarding copyright and subsidy issues.
Another focus of his work is on all issues relating to the protection of minors from harmful media, both within the scope of the Jugendschutzgesetzes (Youth Protection Act) and the Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag (Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors from Harmful Media).
Since 1996, he has been advising the Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V. (umbrella organization of the film industry) at national and European level on legislative procedures relating to copyright, the protection of minors, media law and the digital single market.
At the suggestion of the Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V., Heiko has been a member of the advisory board of the Künstlersozialkasse since 2021.
Heiko has been a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences, Mainz until 2012 and teaches on the subjects of theater law, youth media protection and copyright.
Since 2005, he has been a commissioner of the Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V. and the Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft e.V. (voluntary self-regulation of the film industry), he is also spokesman for the Juristenkommission der Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e.V. (Commission of jurists of the umbrella organization of the film industry).
Heiko has been General Counsel of the Syndikus der Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnenangehöriger (cooperative of German stage owners) for the state associations of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and the state association of Baden-Württemberg since 1996.